Accepted articles

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Volume 88, Supplement issue 4, 2024

Accepted for publication on December 12, 2024

Thematic issue “Electron Beams and Radiation Effects

Estimation of radiation efficiency of cylindrical porous reactor for combustion of lean premixed methane-air mixture
E. V. Bazilevich, M. V. Muradova, A. V. Kulik, S. N. Mokrin, S. S. Minaev

Nonlocal condition for electron runaway in a gas diode with a needle cathode
M. A. Belyaev, M. A. Gashkov, M. I. Yalandin, N. M. Zubarev, O. V. Zubareva

Combustion regimes of low stretched premixed methane-hydrogen-air mixtures near flammability limits
A. S. Demin, S. N. Mokrin

Study of processes at the delay stage of a subnanosecond atmospheric pressure discharge developing with the participation of runaway electrons
S. N. Ivanov, V. V. Lisenkov

Features of electron emission in pulsed forevacuum plasma-cathode electron beam sources based on a cathodic arc and a constricted arc discharge
A. V. Kazakov, E. M. Oks, N. A. Panchenko

Radiation regimes of subterahertz multiwave Cherenkov generator
V. I. Koshelev, V. A. Chazov, A. A. Petkun

Structure of barrier discharge in long dielectric tube filled with low-pressure gas
A. O. Kokovin, A. V. Kozyrev, V. F. Tarasenko

Approaches to the cascade acceleration of subnanosecond electron beams
L. N. Lobanov, K. A. Sharypov, V. G. Shpak, S. A. Shunailov, M. R. Ulmaskulov, M. I. Yalandin

Highly charged metal ions in plasma of high-current short-pulse vacuum arc
A. G. Nikolaev, V. D. Gridilev, G. Yu. Yushkov

Simulation of the output stage of picosecond multi-gigawatt electron accelerator
V. E. Patrakov, S. N. Rukin, S. A. Shunailov, M. I. Yalandin

Features of thermal erosion of a cathode during glow discharge at atmospheric pressure in argon flow
K. P. Savkin, D. A. Sorokin, D. V. Beloplotov, A. G. Nikolaev, M. V. Shandrikov, A. A. Cherkasov, K. A. Shcheglov

Glow discharge at atmospheric pressure: radiation, thermal erosion, nanoparticles
K. P. Savkin, D. A. Sorokin, D. V. Beloplotov, A. G. Nikolaev, M. V. Shandrikov, A. V. Nikonenko, K. A. Shcheglov

Electrophysical Setup for Drug Delivery Through Biological Membranes
E. A. Shershunova, V. V. Voevodin, S. V. Nebogatkin, K. I. Romanov, E. A. Vorotelyak, O. S. Rogovaya, A. A. Ryabinin, A. I. Kryukov, N. L. Kunelskaya, V. M. Mischenko, D. V. Yudin, M. M. Ilyin

Activation of ground water by a high-voltage discharge in bubbles and its effect on early stages of wheat development
D. A. Sorokin, E. A. Sosnin, V. A. Panarin, V. S. Skakun, D. S. Pechenitsyn

Measurement of discharge and plasma parameters in a vacuum (gas-free) magnetron sputtering system
M. V. Shandrikov, M. I. Azhgikhin, A. S. Bugaev, A. A. Cherkasov, P. V. Moskvin, E. M. Oks, K. P. Savkin, K. A. Shcheglov, G. Yu. Yushkov

Thematic issue “Laser Spectroscopy of Functional Materials”

The Influence of Sample Annealing on the Temperature Sensitivity of YF3: Tb3+, Eu3+ Temperature Sensors
E. I. Oleynikova, S. L. Korableva, O. A. Morozov, M. S. Pudovkin

Nd3+, Yb3+: YF3 Nanosensors for Luminescent Thermometry
E. I. Oleynikova, S. L. Korableva, O. A. Morozov, M. S. Pudovkin

Spectroscopy and distribution of Ce3+ ions content in CaF2-SrF2-BaF2 crystals
M. A. Kapralov, A. S. Nizamutdinov, S. V. Kuznetsov, V. A. Konyushkin, A. N. Nakladov, A. A. Alexandrov

Distribution of Ce3+ impurity centers in highly doped LiCaAlF6 crystals
A. A. Shavelev, A. S. Nizamutdinov, A. A. Shakirov, S. L. Korableva, D. G. Zverev, A. A. Rodionov, E. V. Lukinova, V. V. Semashko

Photodynamic processes in LiCaAlF6 crystals with double activation by Ce3+ and Yb3+ ions
A. A. Shakirov, A. S. Nizamutdinov, A. A. Shavelev, S. Kh. Batygov, S. V. Kuznetsov, V. V. Semashko

Some Features of Electro-Optical Q-Modulation of a Lamp-Pumped Cr-LiSAF Laser
A. A. Sergeev, E. E. Popov, M. V. Gavrish, P. K. Rozanov, A. A. Shavelev, A. V. Astrakhantseva, A. S. Nizamutdinov, A. P. Pogoda

Investigation of energy transfer processes in downconversion luminescence in BaY2F8 crystals with coactivation by Tb3+-Yb3+ ions
A. M. Zubareva, A. A. Shavelev, A. A. Shakirov, A. K. Dokudovskaya, I. D. Sidorov, A. S. Nizamutdinov

Air- annealing impact on spectroscopic properties of the Nd3+ (1 mol. %): YF3 phosphor
А. К. Ginkel, V. V. Semashko, O. A. Morozov, M. S. Pudovkin

Catalytic activity of platinum and palladium nanoparticles PAPLAL in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide H2O2
D. A. Makarova, T. A. Telegina, A. S. Nizamutdinov, A. A. Buglak

EPR of ceria nanoparticles doped with praseodymium and terbium ions
S. I. Kalinichenko, S. L. Korableva, M. S. Pudovkin, R. M. Rakhmatullin, A. A. Rodionov

Anti-Stokes luminescence in BaY2F8 crystals with coactivation by Tb3+ and Yb3+ ions
A. M. Zubareva, A. A. Shakirov, T. M. Minnebaev, E. I. Oleinikova, A. G. Nikolaev, A. G. Kiyamov, A. S. Nizamutdinov

Effect of Eu3+ concentration on luminescent properties of calcium hydroxyapatite
I. D. Sidorov, M. R. Gafurov,Yu. O. Zobkova, N. V. Petrakova, V. P. Sirotinkin, V. S. Komlev

Narrow-band laser on the active medium of LiCaAlF6:Ce3+ crystal
D. A. Makarova, A. S. Nizamutdinov, A. A. Shavelev, T. M. Minnebaev

Molecular Dynamic Modeling in The Study of The Formation of Lipid Nanostructures
V. A. Dimitreva, S. D. Mashurov, I. S. Vaskan, V. A. Oleinikov, A. V. Zalygin

Low-temperature spectroscopy of single CVD microdiamonds with GeV color centers
M. I. Pavlenko, A. Yu. Neliubov, I. Yu. Eremchev, V. S. Sedov, I. A. Tiazhelov, A. K. Martyanov

Model of orthogonal two-wave mixing in optically active photorefractive crystal of cubic symmetry
M. N. Bezruk, T. A. Efimov, D. V. Storozhenko, R. V. Romashko


Volume 89, issue 1, 2025

Accepted for publication on September 30, 2024

Thematic issue “Wave Phenomena: Physics and Applications

Optical pulses in a non-Hermitian medium near a singularity
V. A. Bushuev, B. I. Mantsyzov

Optical computation of the Laplace operator at normal incidence using a multilayer metal-dielectric structure
A. I. Kashapov, E. A. Bezus, D. A. Bykov, L. L. Doskolovich

Radioelectric effect in a superlattice based on a 3D Dirac crystal
A. V. Valkov, S. V. Kryuchkov, E. I. Kukhar

Plasma waves in a two-dimensional superlattice under the influence of a nonlinear electromagnetic wave
I. A. Agapova, S. Yu. Glazov, S. V. Kryuchkov

Conversion of selective characteristics of electrically controlled chirped multilayer inhomogeneous diffraction structures based on photopolymerizing compositions with nematic liquid crystals
S. N. Sharangovich, V. O. Dolgirev, D. S. Rastrygin

Оn the superluminal objects in non-equilibrium media
S. V. Sazonov

Propagation of fractal speckles in optical systems and in free space
R. T. Kubanov, A. M. Zotov, P. V. Korolenko, A. Yu. Mishin

Laser formation of relativistic electron mirrors and generation of incoherent X-rays
V. V. Kulagin, V. N. Kornienko, V. A. Cherepenin

Quantum peculiarities of waves in the process of parametric down conversion of light
I. A. Tereshchenko, O. V. Tikhonova

Differential gain of THz radiation in crystalline quartz plate in the field of pump wave
I. I. Kazakov, M. S. Guselnikov, S. A. Kozlov

(2+1)D soliton pairs in a planar quadratic nonlinear crystal with inhomogeneity
B. S. Bryantsev, A. A. Kalinovich

Microcavities and photonic time crystals formed by collision of half-cycle light pulses in a resonant medium
R. M. Arkhipov, M. V. Arkhipov, A. V. Pakhomov, O. O. Diachkova, N. N. Rosanov

On the dynamics of the parameters of pulses propagating in the medium with anomalous dispersion of the group velocity
V. A. Khalyapin, A. N. Bugay

Application of microwave photonics methods in the design of microwave receiving devices for the formation and registration of radio holograms
D. Burkitbayev, V. V. Kulagin, R. V. Ryzhuk, V. V. Valuev, V. A. Cherepenin

Generation of sub terahertz chaotic radiation in a high-current relativistic gyrotron in the frequency multiplication mode
N. S. Ginzburg, I. V. Zotova, A. N. Leontyev, A. M. Malkin,
R. M. Rozental, A. S. Sergeev

The effect of two-dimensional phenomena on the bunching of intense electron beams in broadband klystrons
V. E. Rodyakin, V. N. Aksenov

Conversion of a flat front of a unipolar radiation pulse into a cylindrical one
V. N. Kornienko, V. V. Kulagin

Topological laws of the Rayleigh wave meta-Rayleigh scattering on deterministic three-dimensional roughness
V. N. Chukov

Reconstructing the spatial distribution of acoustic characteristics by technique of angle harmonics
D. I. Zotov, O. D. Rumyantseva, А. S. Cherniaev

Mean field of acoustic waves with discontinuities in randomly inhomogeneous media
D. M. Alekseev, V. A. Gusev

Modification of the Van der Waals equation for describing the thermodynamic properties of liquid water
A. A. Volkov, S. V. Chuchupal

Some characteristics of nonlinear potential surface waves in an ideal liquid
A. A. Ochirov, K. Yu. Lapshina

Simulation of spin waves excitation by the impact of an electric field on the domain wall in magnetic films with inhomogeneous magnetoelectric interaction
N. V. Myasnikov, A. P. Pyatakov

Calculation of a relativistic 300 GHz range gyrotron, considering the real shape of the accelerating voltage pulse
A. N. Leontyev, R. M. Rozental, O. P. Plankin, E. S. Semenov

Application of pulsed acoustic microscopy for studying chitosan-based biocomposite sponges
Y. S. Petronyuk, E. A. Khramtsova, K. G. Antipova, S. G. Vasilyeva,A. N. Bogachenkov, A. E. Solovchenko, T. E. Grigoriev

Numerical investigation of surface wave tomography scheme for three-dimensional inhomogeneities reconstruction
D. D. Pozdnyakova, D. A. Presnov, A. S. Shurup

Volume 89, issue 2, 2025

Accepted for publication on October 30, 2024

Thematic issue “New Materials and Technologies for Security Systems

Electromagnetic field amplification in a resonator in the subterahertz frequency range
P. A. Gusikhin, I. V. Kukushkin, V. M. Muravev

Two-dimensional plasma excitations in a split-ring resonator
A. S. Kazakov, P. A. Gusikhin, I. V. Andreev, V. M. Muravev, I. V. Kukushkin

Low frequency properties of a silicon-based plasmonic detector
A. V. Shchepetilnikov, A. R. Khisameeva, Ya. V. Fedotova,
A. A. Dremin, I. V. Kukushkin

The response time of a silicon-based plasmonic detector
A. V. Shchepetilnikov, A. R. Khisameeva, Ya. V. Fedotova,
A. A. Dremin, I. V. Kukushkin

Phase diagram of magnetoexciton condensate
P. S. Berezhnoy, A. S. Koreev, A. V. Gorbunov, V. V. Solovyev,
A. B. Vankov, L. V. Kulik, V. B. Timofeev

Revealing plasmaron dynamics at filling factors from 1 to 2
P. S. Berezhnoy, A. S. Koreev

Magnetic phase transitions and collective effects in MgZnO/ZnO heterostructures
A. S. Koreev, P. S. Berezhnoy, A. B. Vankov

Study of temporal dynamics of photo-reflection signal at the fractional filling factor =1/3 in the seconds time range
A. V. Larionov, L. V. Kulik

Resonance photoluminescence of excited Laughlin liquid
L. V. Kulik

Luminescence of MoSe2: effect of temperature and pumping
V. E. Bisti, A. S. Brichkin, G. M. Golyshkov, A. V. Chernenko

Excited states of excitons in monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides in reflectance spectra up to room temperature
A. S. Brichkin, G. M. Golyshkov, A. V. Chernenko, V. E. Bisti

Reflectance spectra of two-dimensional excitons in heterostructures with MoSe2 and WSe2 monolayers
G. M. Golyshkov, A. S. Brichkin, V. E. Bisti,A. V. Chernenk

Oscillations of a giant enhancement of inelastic light scattering in periodic plasmonic structures as a function of metallic film thickness
T. D. Rudakov, A. S. Astrakhantseva, S. M. Makarovskaya,
V. V. Soloviev, I. V. Kukushkin

Investigation of the possibility of using island SERS-structures on a gap substrate for surface-enhanced inelastic scattering in the infrared frequency range
S. M. Makarovskaya, V. V. Solovyev, T. D. Rudakov, I. V. Kukushkin

Gold nanoparticles as SERS-substrates for MTT assay
V. A. Mushenkov, A.M. Burov, V.I. Kukushkin, E.G. Zavyalova

Study of the capabilities of Raman spectroscopy in determining the content of total hemoglobin in human blood
A. Yu. Subekin, T. E. Pilaev, V. I. Kukushkin, E. V. Rudakova, T. D. Rudakov

Development of SERS active track-etched membranes with high sustainability in biological fluids
D. S. Tikhonova, E. V. Andreev, R. Sh. Alieva, S. V. Dubkov, V. S. Kolmogorov,
A. S. Erofeev, A. N. Nechaev, V. I. Kukushkin, E. G. Zavyalova

Dynamics of localized spinor exciton-polariton condensates in double potential traps in a GaAs/AlAs microcavity under resonant picosecond excitation
A. A. Demenev, S. N. Tereshko, N. A. Gippius, V. D. Kulakovskii

Self-oscillatory and chaotic states of a polariton system in a size-quantized cavity micropillar
N. N. Ipatov, S. S. Gavrilov

Experimental studies of the generation thresholds of circularly polarized еmission from injection semiconductor lasers
A. A. Maksimov, I. I. Tartakovskii

Studies of spin-phonon interaction in magnetic topological insulators MnBi2Te4 by Raman spectroscopy
A. A. Maksimov, I. I. Tartakovskii, N. A. Abdullaev, N. T. Mamedov

Raman scattering of light ferromagnetic nanowires Ge1-xMnx
S. V. Zaitsev

Raman scattering of light ferromagnetic nanowires Ge1-xCox
S. V. Zaitsev, A. I. Dmitriev

Surface enhanced Raman scattering on grids with submicron silver coating
S. V. Zaitsev

Thematic issue “Wave Phenomena: Physics and Applications”

Waves and fine structures of physical variables in a viscous stratified liquid
A. A. Ochirov, U. O. Trifonova

Current structure in the Black Bay of the Kandalaksha gulf during different phases of the tidal cycle
I. N. Ivanova, A. A. Budnikov, А. I. Vasin, K. A. Levonyan

Using the geometric properties of three invariants in the wave equation for the electric field strength
V. M. Ovsyannikov

Spatial variation of superconducting order parameters in thin aluminum films
D. G. Bezymyannykh, N. G. Pugach, E. A. Sedov, K. Yu. Arutyunov

Volume 89, issue 3, 2025

Accepted for publication on November 29, 2024

Thematic issue Electronic, Spin and Quantum Processes in Molecular and Crystalline Systems”

Current state of the spin chemistry theory: Paradigm of spin chemistry
K. M. Salikhov

Non-covalent structures of negative ions in dissociative electron capture spectra
N. L. Asfandiarov, M. V. Muftakhov, R. G. Rakhmeyev, S. A. Pshenichnyuk

Photoinduced electron transfer in deferiprone chelate complexes with nontransition metal ions
V. A. Timoshnikov, O. Yu. Selyutina, V. P. Grivin, E. M. Glebov, N. E. Polyakov

Evolution of gas-phase hyperthermal fragmental negative ions of 1H-1,2,4-triazole in their interaction with a graphite-like conducting surface
E. E. Tseplin, S. N. Tseplina, O. G. Khvostenko

Radiation cooling of long-lived molecular negative ions of phenazine
P. V. Shchukin, R. V. Khatymov, M. V. Muftakhov

Transport and magnetic properties BaxSr2-xFeCoO6
D. V. Mamedov, I. I. Fazlizhanova, A. V. Makarchenko, R. M. Eremina

Micromagnetic modeling of skyrmions in ferro- and ferrimagnetic structures
V. D. Bessonov, A. V. Ognev, S. V. Batalov, A. V. Telegin

Micromagnetic states and Bloch points in multilayer nanofilms: influence of anisotropy and magnetic field
V. V. Filippova, Z. V. Gareeva

Formation and properties of molybdenum oxide injecting contacts into organic electronics devices
A. S. Komolov, E. A. Dubov, M. Ubovich, A. A. Komolova, E. F. Lazneva,
V. S. Sobolev, I. A. Pronin, S. A. Pshenichnyuk, F. D. Akbarova, U. B. Sharopov

Influence formation conditions of polydiphenylenephthalide films on thermostimulated depolarization currents
V. Kh. Ilyasov, A. N. Lachinov, A. A. Bunakov, A. F. Ponomarev, D. D. Karamov

Study of quasi-one-dimensional conductive structures in polymer layers
V. M. Kornilov, D. D. Karamov

Electronic gas sensors based on polymer and nanocomposite materials
R. B. Salikhov, A. D. Ostaltsova, T. R. Salikhov

Electrical resistance of some types of homooligonucleotides
T. I. Sharipov, A. K. Mishra, R. R. Garafutdinov

Application of printing technologies for forming functional copoly(arylene ether ketone) films for flexible electronics
A. F. Galiev, M. S. Ishmukhametov, N. S. Bulankin, V. R. Karimov, A. A. Lachinov

Investigation of the corrosion resistance of TI49,0NI51.0 alloy in various structural states
E. I. Iskhakova, A. A. Churakova

Effect of the structural state on the corrosion resistance of pure magnesium
M. A. Shishkunova, D. A. Aksenov, R. N. Asfandiyarov, Yu. R. Sementeeva,
D. V. Gunderov, A. A. Churakova

Features of corrosive-mechanical strength of TiNi alloy in different structural states in biological solutions
A. A. Churakova, E. I. Iskhakova, E. V. Vorobiev

Measurement of nematic liquid crystals anchoring energy under crossed magnetic and electric fields
M. V. Khazimullin, Yu. A. Lebedev, A. S. Khoroshavin, D. V. Makarov

Electric-field-induced dynamics of topological loops in chiral nematic liquid crystal droplets
Yu. I. Timirov, O. A. Skaldin, V. A. Delev, E. R. Basyrova

Photophysical characteristics of solutions of divalent europium dihalides EuX2 (X = Cl, Br). Aluminum alkyls as enhancers of luminescence of the Eu2+ ion
R. G. Bulgakov, D. I. Galimov, S. M. Yakupova, K. S. Vasilyuk

Low temperature luminescence of poly(diphenylene phthalide)
M. Yu. Ovchinnikov, V. A. Antipin, S. L. Khursan

Electron-stimulated luminescence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons under ultrasonic influence on terbium sulfate suspensions in solutions of these hydrocarbons in decane
N. A. Panova, A. A. Tukhbatullin, G. L. Sharipov

Modeling of the influence of the aquatic environment on the energies of boundary orbitals of a subnanosized titanium dioxide cluster
G. P. Mikhailov

Structure of hydrogen complexes in hydrates of the 1,2-naphthoquinone molecule
S. N. Tseplina, E. E. Tseplin

Sagnac effect in the space-time of tidal black holes
R. Kh. Karimov, R. N. Izmailov, R. M. Yusupova, A. Bhattacharya

Thematic issue “Wave Phenomena: Physics and Applications”

Simulation of photon transport in a fractal waveguide considered for 3-5 order nonlinearity
R. R. Trofimov, N. N. Konobeeva

New types of fractal images for use in art therapy and ophthalmology
P. A. Tulapinn, O. M. Vokhnik, A. M. Zotov, P. V. Korolenko, R. T. Kubanov

Effective method for calculating the Wigner function of a bright banana state
B. N. Nougmanov

Analysis of the effect of a recurrent neural network size on modeling and prediction accuracy of a stochastic FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron
N. D. Kulagin, A. V. Andreev, A. E. Hramov

Development of an algorithm for detecting saccadic eye movements based on model approximation
V. M. Antipov, A. A. Badarin

Features of functional brain connectivity in children during solving cognitive tasks
O. V. Piljugin, A. A. Badarin

Volume 89, issue 4, 2025

Accepted for publication on December 30, 2024

Thematic issue Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

Micromagnetic modeling of hysteresis characteristics of suevites of the Zhamanshin impact crater
P. V. Kharitonskii, E. A. Setrov, A. Yu. Ralin, E. S. Sergienko, K. G. Gareev

Longitudinal magnetoresistance of Ta/FeMn/Ta, Ta/Dy/Ta and Ta/CoFe/Ta nanostructures caused by the spin Hall effect
R. S. Zavornitsyn, L. I. Naumova, M. A. Milyaev, I. K. Maksimova, V. V. Proglyado, V. V. Ustinov

Influence of the Al2O3 layer on the structural and temperature-dependent magnetic properties of thin cobalt films
A. V. Kobyakov, G. S. Patrin, V. I. Yushkov

Thickness dependencies of the coercivity of three-layer magnetic films obtained by chemical deposition
A. V. Chzhan, V. A. Orlov, Zh. M. Moroz

Investigation of magneto-optical properties of aromatic liquids
S. V. Egamov, A. M. Khidirov, Kh. B. Mirzokulov, B. N. Rakhimov

Temperature dependencies of magnetization and hysteresis loops of composite films (CoFeB+SiO2) with different compositions and structure
L. N. Kotov, A. A. Utkin, I. V. Semyashkin, Yu. E. Kalinin, A. V. Sitnikov

Magnetic dynamics of nickel films with a square stripe structure under excitation by acoustic pulses
A. V. Golov, L. N. Kotov, Ch. Nayak

Magnetism of R-Co (R = Gd, Tb) films with high concentration of rare earth elements
V. O. Vas’kovskiy, E. V. Kudyukov, A. N. Gorkovenko, A. N. Nizaev, A. V. Svalov,
M. A. Semkin, V. N. Lepalovskij

Critical switching characteristics of the spin-valve structure in the arbitrary-direction magnetic field
Iu. A. Iusipova

Influence of temperature on magnetoelectric effect in a structure containing langatate
E. V. Bolotina, D. V. Savelev, A. V. Turutin, I. V. Kubasov, A. A. Temirov, L. Y. Fetisov

Structure and magnetic properties of the medium-entropy GdTbDyY alloy
N. Yu. Pankratov, I. S. Tereshina, P. V. Krot, V. N. Verbetskiy, S. A. Nikitin

Optical properties of magnetoplasmonic microdiscs
A. A. Anikin, A. Motorzhina, V. K. Belyaev, V. V. Rodionova, L. V. Panina

Magnetoelectric response of a polymer composite filled with a mixture of CoFe2O4/BaTiO3 particles
A. A. Ignatov, O. V. Stolbov, Yu. L. Raikher, V. V. Rodionova

Radiation changes in the structure and magnetic properties of barium hexaferrite
E. D. Shipkova, N. S. Perov, R. A. Makarin, A. Y. Punda, V. E. Zhivulin,
D. A. Vinnik, M. K. Salakhitdinova, E.M. Ibragimova, A. B. Granovsky

Study of magnetic interactions in a composite with a mixture of γ-Fe2O3 and CoFe2O3 nanoparticles
V. G. Kolesnikova, V. D. Salnikov, A. S. Omelyanchik, V. V. Rodionova

Enhancement of magnetoelectric response of multiferroic in a composite based on polyvinylidene fluoride and cobalt ferrite suspension due to particle dispersion
P. A. Vorontsov, V. D. Salnikov, V. V. Savin, V. G. Kolesnikova,
P. A. Ershov, V. V. Rodionova

Influence of annealing underload on magneto-optical properties of iron-based nanocrystalline ribbons
A. M. Kharlamova, P. Y. Kozhevnikova, T. P. Kaminskaya,
G. V. Kurlyandskaya, E. E. Shalygina

Thematic issue Wave Phenomena: Physics and Applications

Low-frequency Raman spectroscopy of human hair keratins
E. I. Travkina, A. Yu. Chikishev, N. N. Brandt

Algorithm for spatial-spectral data correction captured by a multispectral camera
A. A. Zolotukhina, A. S. Machikhin, A. V. Guryleva, G. V. Nesterov, V. V. Tedeeva

Adequacy criteria for non-radiative limit in numerical studies of dark plasma
L. V. Borodachev

Radiation spectra and the quality evaluation of a high-power laser diode when entering the operating mode
V. V. Bliznyuk, V. A. Parshin, A. G. Rzhanov, O. I. Semenova, A. E. Tarasov, N. A. Khlyntsev

On the possibility of propagating a solitary electromagnetic wave in arbitrary directions in the plane of a two-dimensional graphene-based superlattice
S. Yu. Glazov, N. E. Mescheryakova, I. N. Fedulov

The design of tunable acoustic metamaterials using scattering theory methods
K. V. Dmitriev, D. V. Smirnykh

Hybridization of acoustic Tamm states and defective modes of one-dimensional phonon crystal
A. S. Zuev, S. Y. Vetrov, D. P. Fedchenko, I. V. Timofeev

Features of acoustic wave propagation in narrow pipes of variable cross-section considering the attached mass
V. A. Gusev, K. O. Komarovskii

Propagation of spin waves in nanoscale bonded ferrite films
V. V. Balaeva, D. V. Romanenko, M. A. Morozova

Arion radiation during wave propagation in the galactic magnetic field
А. Bedda, V. Denisov, I. Denisova, О. Gavrish

Volume 89, issue 5, 2025

Accepted for publication on January 30, 2025

Thematic issue Physics of Auroral Phenomena

Influence of substorms on the development of magnetic storms in different sectors of MLT
V. V. Mishin, R.A. Marchuk, Yu.V. Penskikh

Jumps in the solar wind dynamic pressure and occurrence of intense geomagnetically induced currents
I. V. Despirak, P. V. Setsko, A. A. Lubchich, Ya. A. Sakharov, V. N. Selivanov

Ionospheric manifestation of moderate geomagnetic storm on September 12, 2023, based on comprehensive ionospheric radiosonde data
F. I. Vybornov, E. Yu. Zykov, A. A. Kolchev, I. V. Krasheninnikov

Occurrence of the polar tongue of ionization and ionospheric irregularities in the total electron content measurements during 7 November 2022 magnetic storm
I. I. Shagimuratov, I. I. Efishov, G. A. Yakimova, M. V. Filatov, N. Yu. Tepenitsyna

Growth of relativistic electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt according to data of the Arctic-M satellite (No. 1) during magnetic storms in October-November 2021
V. B. Belakhovsky, V. A. Pilipenko, O. V. Kozyreva

Status of the PAIPS project and selected results
K. F. Sigaeva, A. A. Belov, P. A. Klimov, B. V. Kozelov,
A. A. Murashov, V. D. Nikolaeva, A. V. Roldugin, R. E. Saraev, D. A. Trofimov, S. A. Sharakin, K. D. Shchelkanov

Spatial structure of UV-microbursts in the auroral zone
K. D. Shchelkanov, V. D. Nikolaeva, P. A. Klimov

Study of time parameters of interplanetary disturbances with magnetic clouds
M. A. Abunina, A. V. Belov, N. S. Shlyk, S. M. Belov,
A. A. Abunin, V. A. Oleneva, V. G. Yanke

Electromagnetic emissions by ZEVS transmitter and the “Northern Transit” power transmission line registered on CSES satellite
N. V. Savelyeva, V. A. Pilipenko, N. G. Mazur, E. N. Fedorov, S. Zhao

Analysis of the spatial dynamics of the auroral hiss and longitudinal currents based on observations at the Barentsburg Observatory and the AMPERE project
A. S. Nikitenko, Yu. V. Fedorenko, N. G. Kleimenova

The relationship between VLF transmitter signal amplitudes and high-energy electron precipitation during geomagnetic disturbances
A. V. Larchenko, A. S. Nikitenko, O. M. Lebed’, Yu. V. Fedorenko

Observation and generation of two-band noise emissions above and below half the gyrofrequency of electrons near the geomagnetic equator
A. A. Lyubchich, E. E. Titova, D. R. Shklyar

The influence of electron precipitation on the outer electron radiation belt position
V. V. Kalegaev, A. R. Ivanova, D. S. Gruzdov, N. A. Vlasova

Fractal characteristics of the auroral oval structure based on experimental data
B. V. Kozelov

Geomagnetic and ionospheric effects of a meteor explosion over the Verkhnetulomsky reservoir on December 19, 2014
S. M. Cherniakov

Estimation of the average energy of auroral electrons using an intensity ratio of 630.0 and 427.8 nm emissions
Zh. V. Dashkevich, B. E. Ivanov

Seasonal and diurnal variations in the ionic content of the Earth’s average atmosphere and ionosphere
D. V. Grankin, I. A. Mironova, E. V. Rozanov

Spatial features of the ionospheric disturbance caused by a meteorological squall
F. S. Bessarab, Yu. A. Kurdyaeva, O. P. Borchevkina, M. V. Klimenko

Thematic issue Wave Phenomena: Physics and Applications

Influence of parameters of crossbars with STT-MRAM on the accuracy of analog neural networks
K. V. Kiseleva, D. A. Cherkasov, G. A. Kichin, K. A. Zvezdin, V. N. Antonov

Study of the features of spin-injection generation of THz radiation in arrays of magnetic nanowires
S. G. Chigarev, E. A. Vilkov, O. A. Byshevski-Konopko,
D. L. Zagorskiy, I. M. Doludenko, A. I. Panas

Thermally stimulated luminescence of colloidal InP/ZnS quantum dots
S. S. Savchenko, A. S. Vokhmintsev, I. A. Weinstein

On features of hyperonic interactions in neutron stars
S. A. Mikheev, D. E. Lanskoy, A. I. Nasakin, T. Yu. Tretyakova

Optimization of the quantitative composition of scintillation additives for a tellurium-loaded plastic scintillator
I. B. Nemchenok, A. A. Klimenko, I. A. Suslov, A. D. Bystryakov, I. I. Kamnev

Volume 89, issue 6, 2025

Accepted for publication on February 28, 2025

Thematic issue Physics of Cosmic Rays”

Comparative analysis of the technogenic factors affecting the gamma-quanta counting rate in LSD and LVD underground experiments
N. Yu. Agafonova, E. A. Dobrynina, V. F. Yakushev and collaborations LSD and LVD

Sources of background events in LVD experiment
N. Yu. Agafonova, E. A. Dobrynina, K. V. Manukosky, A. V. Yudin

Diurnal wave of the ground level electric field of fair weather in mountains and its influence on the muon intensity
N. S. Khaerdinov

Search for correlations of solar activity with 55Fe, 60Co nucleus decay parameters
S. N. Mayburov, E. I. Demikhov, A. S. Kubankin, I. A. Kishin,
Yu. E. Titarenko, K. V. Pavlov, V. M. Zhivun, Ja. O. Zarickij

Analysis of geo-efficient coronal mass ejections on May 10-12, 2024, in the flux of solar wind and cosmic rays at ground level
V. V. Borog, I. I. Astapov, N. S. Barbashina, Y. N. Mishutina, V. V. Shutenko

Analysis of the powerful Forbush decreases of 2024 based on data from unshielded neutron detectors of the experimental complex NEVOD
E. P. Volkov, D. M. Gromushkin, V. V. Kindin, A. Yu. Konovalova,
P. S. Kuzmenkova, Yu. N. Mishutina, E. S. Morgunov, N. A. Pasyuk, E. P. Khomchuk, S. S. Khokhlov, I. A. Shulzhenko

Cosmic ray variations during extreme geomagnetic disturbances on May 9-15, 2024
V. S. Makhmutov, G. A. Bazilevskaya, M. V. Philippov, Y. I. Stozhkov,
V. I. Erkhov, A. K. Morzabaev, Ye. А. Tulekov, J.-P. Raulin, J. Тacza

Energy of the first protons and rate of their acceleration
A. M. Sadovski, A. B. Struminskiy, I. Yu. Grigorieva

Some features of the solar proton event of 27.08.2022
G. A. Bazilevskaya, N. A. Vlasova, E. A. Ginzburg, E. I. Daibog,
K. B. Kaportseva, Yu. I. Logachev, I. N. Myagkova

Solar cosmic rays and hard X-ray radiation from solar flares in the first half of 2024 according to experiments on the Moscow university satellites of the CubeSat format
A. V. Bogomolov, V. V. Bogomolov, A. F. Iyudin, V. E. Eremeev,
V. V. Kalegaev, I. N. Myagkova, V. I. Osedlo, S. I. Svertilov, I. V. Yashin

Comparison of the results of the solar protons release times in solar proton events obtained by various methods
Yu. P. Ochelkov

Review of study of submillimeter radiation from the Sun and astrophysical sources
E. D. Tulnikov, V. S. Makhmutov, M. V. Filippov

Variations of the middle atmosphere characteristics of the northern hemisphere during solar proton events in January 2005
S. V. Veretenenko

Background of single muons at the Baksan underground scintillation telescope
M. M. Kochkarov, I. M. Dzaparova, A. N. Kurenya, V. B. Petkov,
P. S. Striganov, I. B. Unatlokov, A. F. Yanin

Search for neutrino events on the Baksan underground scintillation telescope in coincidence with gamma-ray bursts from Fermi GBM and Swift BAT
I. B. Unatlokov, I. M. Dzaparova, M. M. Kochkarov,
A. N. Kurenya, V. B. Petkov, P. S. Striganov, A. F. Yanin

Zenith-angle dependence of local muon density spectra of extensive air shower near the horizon
R. P. Kokoulin, N. S. Barbashina, A. G. Bogdanov, V. S. Vorobev,
E. A. Zadeba, V. V. Kindin, K. G. Kompaniets, A. Yu. Konovalova, K. I. Mannanova, A. A. Petrukhin, I. Yu. Troshin, S. S. Khokhlov, V. V. Shutenko, E. A. Yurina, I. I. Yashin

Investigation of the extensive atmospheric showers spatial-temporal structure according to the Tunka-Grande array
A. L. Ivanova, I. I. Astapov, P. A. Bezyazeekov, E. A. Bonvech, A. V. Blinov,
A. N. Borodin, N. M. Budnev, A. V. Bulan, P. V. Busygin, P. V. Volkov, P. A. Volchugov, D. M. Voronin, A. R. Gafarov, A. Yu. Garmash, V. M. Grebenyuk, O. A. Gres’, T. I. Gres’, E. O. Gres’, A. A. Grinyuk, O. G. Grishin et al.

Potential locations for the deployment of the full-scale TAIGA-100 gamma-ray observatory
A. L. Ivanova, M. N. Lopatin, I. I. Astapov, P. A. Bezyazeekov, E. A. Bonvech,
A. V. Blinov, A. N. Borodin, N. M. Budnev, A. V. Bulan, P. V. Busygin, P. V. Volkov, P. A. Volchugov, D. M. Voronin, A. R. Gafarov, A. Yu. Garmash, V. M. Grebenyuk, O. A. Gres’, T. I. Gres’, E. O. Gres’, A. A. Grinyuk et al.

Differential sensitivity of the TAIGA-IACT facility in stereo observation mode
P. A. Volchugov, I. I. Astapov, P. A. Bez’yazykov, A. V. Blinov, A. N. Borodin,
E. A. Bonvech, N. M. Budnev, A. V. Bulan, N. V. Volkov, D. M. Voronin, A. R. Gafarov, E. O. Gres’, O. A. Gres’, T. I. Gres’, O. G. Grishin, A. Yu. Garmash, V. M. Grebenyuk, A. A. Grinyuk, A. N. Dyachok, D. P. Zhurov et al.

Giant atmospheric showers detected by the Yakutsk extensive air showers array
A. V. Glushkov, K. G. Lebedev, L. T. Ksenofontov, A. V. Saburov, O. N. Ivanov,
A. F. Boyakinov, A. A. Ivanov, S. P. Knurenko, A. D. Krasilnikov, S. V. Matarkin, V. P. Mokhnachevskaya, N. Ya. Muksunov, I. S. Petrov, I. E. Sleptsov

Light component of cosmic rays’ estimation in the range 200-10000 TeV by hybrid method
L. G. Sveshnikova, E. A. Okuneva, I. I. Astapov, P. A. Bez’yazykov, A. V. Blinov,
A. N. Borodin, E. A. Bonvech, N. M. Budnev, A. V. Bulan, N. V. Volkov, P. A. Volchugov, D. M. Voronin, A. R. Gafarov, E. O. Gres’, O. A. Gres’, T. I. Gres’, O. G. Grishin, A. Yu. Garmash, V. M. Grebenyuk, A. A. Grinyuk et al.

Iron nuclei ultra-high energy cosmic rays near the Earth
A. V. Uryson

Spectrum and composition of primary cosmic rays by the data of the TAIGA-HiSCORE array
V. V. Prosin, I. I. Astapov, P. A. Bezyazeekov, A. V. Blinov, E. A. Bonvech,
A. N. Borodin, N. M. Budnev, A. V. Bulan, N. V. Volkov, P. A. Volchugov, D. M. Voronin, A. Yu. Garmash, A. R. Gafarov, V. M. Grebenyuk, E. O. Gres’, O. A. Gres’, T. I. Gres’, A. A. Grinyuk, O. G. Grishin, A. N. Dyachok et al.

Search for variations in the frequency of registration of delayed particles at the MSU extensive air showers array
G. K. Garipov

The high-energy events registration system of the space-based gamma-ray telescope
A. I. Arkhangelskiy, I. V. Arkhangelskaja, A. V. Bakaldin, V. A. Baskov, S. A. Voronov,
M. G. Korotkov, A. P. L’vov, N. Yu. Pappe, S. I. Suchkov, Yu. T. Yurkin

Properties of GRBs high-energy gamma-emission according to Fermi/LAT, CORONAS-F/ABC-F and PHOTON/NATALYA-2M data
I. V. Arkhangelskaja, A. I. Arkhangelskiy

Spectra of protons and helium nuclei from tevatrons according to satellite experiments: indication to non-classical character of cosmic ray diffusion
A. A. Lagutin, N. V. Volkov

Experimental study of galactic cosmic ray fluxes in the solar modulation energy region
D. M. Podorozhny, A. V. Gorbunov, V. V. Kalegaev, D. E. Karmanov, I. M. Kovalev,
A. A. Kurganov, A. D. Panov, M. V. Podzolko, A. N. Turundaevsky

The characteristics of Forbush decreases based on data from AMS-02 experiment and fluxes of solar cosmic rays on GOES-15 one
D. N. Dorosheva, I. V. Arkhangelskaja, V. V. Borog

Solar superflares during the last 15 kyr: myth or reality?
A. N. Konstantinov, V. M. Ostryakov, A. K. Pavlov, G. I. Vasilyev

GLE73 on October 28, 2021. First event in solar activity cycle 25: spectra and anisotropy
I. I. Kovalev, M. V. Kravtsova, S. V. Olemskoy, V. E. Sdobnov

Cosmic rays’ evolution in GT simulation package. Magnetosphere
N. H. Galikyan, P. A. Kruchinin, V. S. Golubkov, A. R. Dyagilev,
A. G. Mayorov, V. V. Malakhov, R. F. Yulbarisov

Electromagnetic mechanism for formation of galactic cosmic rays’ anisotropy
I. S. Petukhov, A. S. Petukhova, S. I. Petukhov

Changes in the chemical composition of the polar atmosphere according to satellite observations in January 2005
G. G. Doronin, I. A. Mironova, A. D. Mironov, N. V. Bobrov

Long-term variations of thermal neutron environmental flux and radon decay products in air of Elbrus region
Yu. V. Stenkin, D. D. Dhzappuev, A. U. Kudzhaev, D. A. Kuleshov,
K. O. Kurinov, O. I. Mikhailova, V. I. Stepanov, O. B. Shchegolev

Method of reconstruction of unidirectional flux in the Earth’s radiation belts in gyrocenter approximation
V. V. Malakhov, A. A. Leonov, A. G. Mayorov, V. V. Mikhailov

Estimating magnetospheric and atmospheric parameters by effects in cosmic rays during March 2023 geomagnetic storm
I. I. Kovalev, M. V. Kravtsova, S. V. Olemskoy, V. E. Sdobnov

Possible connection of bidecadal oscillations of cyclone trajectories in the North Atlantic with the magnetic Hale cycle and cosmic ray variations
S. V. Veretenenko, P. B. Dmitriev

On a possibility to use WCDA detector of the LHAASO experiment as a pair-meter to measure atmospheric muon spectrum
Yu. V. Stenkin, A. V. Butkevich, I. S. Karpikov, D. A. Kuleshov,
K. O. Kurinov, X. Ma, O. B. Shchegolev

Cosmic ray acceleration by shocks in galactic halo
V. N. Zirakashvili, V. S. Ptuskin, S. I. Rogovaya

Can fast blue optical transients be cosmic pevatrons?
V. I. Romansky, A. M. Bykov, S. M. Osipov, A. A. Lutovinov

What can we learn about cosmic ray acceleration in Westerlund 2 from SRG/ART-XC data?
M. E. Kalyashova, A. M. Bykov, Yu. A. Uvarov,
D. V. Badmaev, I. Yu. Lapshov, A. A. Lutovinov

SPHERE-3 project for primary cosmic rays’ mass composition studies at 1-1000 PeV. Status in 2024
D. V. Chernov, T. A. Kolodkin, V. A. Ivanov, C. G. Azra, E. A. Bonvech,
O. V. Cherkesova, V. I. Galkin, E. L. Entina, N. O. Ovcharenko, D. A. Podgrudkov, T. M. Roganova, M. D. Ziva

Estimation of extensive air shower primary parameters using Cherenkov light angular distribution in the SPHERE-3 experiment
E. A. Bonvech, N. O. Ovcharenko, O. V. Cherkesova, E. L. Entina,
V. I. Galkin, C. G. Azra, D. V. Chernov, V. A. Ivanov, T. A. Kolodkin, D. A. Podgrudkov, T. M. Roganova, M. D. Ziva

The extensive air shower size spectrum obtained by the NEVOD-EAS array data
E. A. Yuzhakova, M. B. Amelchakov, A. G. Bogdanov, A. Chiavassa,
D. M. Gromushkin, A. N. Dmitrieva, S. Yu. Zhezhera, A. Yu. Konovalova, K. R. Nugaeva, S. S. Khokhlov, E. P. Khomchuk, I. A. Shulzhenko

Lateral distribution function of extensive air showers Cherenkov light and stable laws: fast modelling method for the CORSIKA code
N. V. Volkov, A. A. Lagutin, A. I. Reviakin, R. T. Bizhanov

Modulation of the galactic cosmic ray spectrum in an anisotropic diffusion approach
V. D. Borisov, V. O. Yurovsky, I. A. Kudryashov

Analysis of fluorescence telescope data using machine learning methods
M. Yu. Zotov, P. D. Zakharov for the JEM-EUSO collaboration

A novel type of silicone rubber-based scintillator for extensive air shower particle detection
D. A. Kuleshov, Yu. V. Stenkin, K. O. Kurinov, I. O. Malii