Accepted articles

This section contains preliminary contents of issues of the journal “Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics” that are currently in print.

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Volume 88, Issue 10, 2024

Accepted for publication on June 28, 2024

Thematic issue “Physics of magnetic fluids and composite materials based on them”

Features of magnetic susceptibility of a ferrofluid with a non-magnetic filler
Yu. I. Dikansky, D. V. Gladkikh, D. S. Dorozhko, A. V. Kurnev

Light absorption and light scattering in magnetic fluids with different aggregative stability
C. V. Yerin, V. I. Vivchar

Testing theoretical models on experimental data of magnetization of magnetopolymer composites
D. I. Radushnov, A. Yu. Solovyova, E. A. Elfimova, A. V. Chernyshov, A. R. Zakinyan, S. A. Kunikin

Influence of gyromagnetic effects on magnetization of magnetic liquids
A. N. Tyatyushkin

Electroconductivity of silicone-based elastomer filled with magnetically hard particles
A. V. Bakhtiiarov, G. V. Stepanov, D. A. Lobanov, D. A. Semerenko, P. A. Storozhenko

Magneto-optical effect in magnetic emulsions with deformable submicron droplets
S. S. Belykh, C. V. Yerin, I. V. Alferiev

Deformation of magnetic active elastomers in magnetic field
G. V. Stepanov, P. A. Storozhenko

Controlled circuit with a capacitive cell based on magnetodielectric fluid
V. M. Kozhevnikov, I. Yu. Chuenkova, Yu. A. Larionov

Magnetization features of small multi-core particles: theory and computer simulations
E. V. Grokhotova, A. Yu. Solovyova, E. A. Elfimova

Texturing of the magnetic nanoparticle easy axes during freezing of a magnetic suspension under the presence of an external field
A. O. Ivanov, A. Yu. Solovyova, I. M. Subbotin, E. A. Elfimova

Influence of the number of granules on the magnetization of multi-core particles
S. А. Sokolsky, A. Yu. Solovyova, E. A. Elfimova, А. О. Ivanov

Magnetization dynamics of a suspension of non-interacting magnetic particles under the presence of static uniform magnetic field
A. O. Ivanov, I. M. Subbotin

Using magnetic composites to create controlled photon crystals
A. E. Postelga, S. V. Igonin, J. A. Agapova

Thematic issue “Microfluidics and ferrohydrodynamics of magnetic colloids”

Features of the formation of a labyrinth structure in thin layers of magnetic fluids in a constant electric field
E. S. Beketova, V. D. Mkrtchyan, Yu. I. Dikansky

Study of electroconvection in magnetic fluids by dynamic light scattering
C. V. Yerin, I. V. Eskova

Formation and dynamics of droplets in a magnetic fluid in microchannels in an inhomogeneous magnetic field of ring magnet
D. A. Kalyuzhnaya, E. A. Sokolov, G. A. Zhukov, P. A. Ryapolov

On the problem of magneto-induced circulations in thrombosed channels
A. Yu. Musikhin, A. Yu. Zubarev

Heat transfer and vapor bubble formation during boiling of magnetic fluid on a single vapor formation center in an alternating magnetic field
А. Ya. Simonovsky, A. R. Zakinyan

Shape of magnetic fluid surface near magnetic bodies in constant and alternating magnetic field
А. Ya. Simonovsky, A. R. Zakinyan

Dynamics of rising of an air bubble in a magnetic fluid shell in a magnetic field
А. Ya. Simonovsky, A. R. Zakinyan

Dynamics of floating droplets of magnetic liquid in glycerin in a flat channel under the influence of a magnetic field
E. A. Sokolov, D. A. Kalyuzhnaya, A. A. Pribylov, R. E. Politov, P. A. Ryapolov

Motion of a thin layer of magnetic fluid near a magnetizing body in a homogeneous magnetic field
O. A. Sharova, D. A. Pelevina, V. A. Naletova

Study of the dynamics of model magnetic disperse media under magnetic influence
E. V. Bondar, E. V. Shel’deshova, I. A. Shabanova, P. A. Ryapolov

Regularities and mechanisms of composition influence on magnetic and nonlinear electrical characteristics of La-Sr manganites with combined substitution for manganese
V. K. Karpasyuk, A. G. Badelin, I. M. Derzhavin, S. Kh. Estemirova, D. I. Merkulov

Study of hydrogen-bonded complexes in aqueous solutions of acetylacetone using vibrational spectroscopy and ab initio calculations
A. A. Jumabaev, H. A. Hushvaktov, A. A. Absanov, B. B. Khudaykulov, U. A. Holikulov, A. M. Norkulov

Volume 88, Issue 11, 2024

Accepted for publication on July 31, 2024

Thematic issue “Electromagnetic field and materials (fundamental physical research)

Isofrequency dependences of spin waves in a tangentially magnetized ferrite plate bounding with a perfect magnetic wall
E. H. Lock, S. V. Gerus

Investigation of nonreciprocal characteristics of spin waves in their interaction with a weakly contrasting magnon crystal
S. V. Gerus, E. H. Lock

Simulation of excitation of a microwave dielectric resonator by a slot in the wall rectangular waveguide
L. V. Alekseychik, A. A. Kurushin

Magnetic interaction of films with a harmonic surface profile
M. A. Piatakov, M. L. Akimov, P. A. Polyakov

Structural features and magnetic properties of bentonite/iron oxide composite materials
M. N. Shipko, A. V. Noskov, M. A. Stepovich, A. V. Agafonov,
O. V. Alekseeva, D. N. Yashkova, E. S. Savchenko

Magnetic properties and structure features of nanocomposites based on ferrites CoFe2O4, NiFe2O4, CuFe2O4 synthesized in low temperature underwater plasma
M. N. Shipko, M. A. Stepovich, A. V. Khlustova, A. V. Agafonov,
N. A. Sirotkin, E. S. Savchenko

High-precision method for measuring the complex dielectric constant ceramics with low losses in the microwave range using dielectric resonators
V. M. Gevorkyan, Yu. A. Kazantsev, A. V. Shutov

Compensation of magnetostatic interaction between magnetic layers in a spin tunnel element
D. V. Vasilyev, O. P. Polyakov, P. A. Polyakov, V. V. Amelichev,
S. I. Kasatkin, D. V. Kostyuk

On the domain structure of ferrite-garnet films with complex anisotropy under quasi-stationary magnetization reversal
A. V. Matyunin, G. M. Nikoladze, P. A. Polyakov

Study of the electric current flow characteristics in a two-dimensional periodic element of a magnetic sensor
V. S. Shevtsov, P. A. Polyakov

Study of electromagnetic field parameters during induction-resistive heating of ferromagnetic materials
M. A. Fedin, A. I. Vasilenko, V. V. Krylov, D. A. Zhgutov

Investigation of nonlinear processes in hysteretic electromechanical energy converters of the end face design and of no symmetric modes of their operation
S. Y. Ostanin, N. I. Abdugaliyev, I. A. Fedorov, Cui Shumei, Zhu Chunbo

Application of new materials for nonlinear magnetic systems of in hysteretic electromechanical energy converters of the end face design for improve energy indicators
S. Y. Ostanin, N. I. Abdugaliyev, A. S. Liskin, I. M. Milyaev,
Cui Shumei, Zhu Chunbo

Mechanisms of influence of external and internal demagnetization fields on the formation, dynamics, and evolution of vortex structure in twinned YBa2Cu3O7-x high temperature superconductors
Kh. R. Rostami

Promising applications for a geostationary constellation of lightning detectors
A. L. Filatov

Atomic force microscopy of ribbon amorphous Fe73Si9B13 alloys
T. P. Kaminskaya, M. A. Stepovich, M. N. Shipko, A. V. Stulov,
V. V. Popov, E. S. Savchenko

Influence of isothermal treatment on magnetic and hysteresis properties of materials for nonlinear magnetic systems of hysteretic electromechanical energy converters
I. M. Milyaev, S. Y. Ostanin, N. I. Abdugaliyev, A. N. Solomin,
Cui Shumei, Zhu Chunbo

Investigations of parameters of induction heating of metal coatings of cylindrical steel products
A. R. Lepeshkin, M. А. Fedin, A. B. Kuvaldin, S. S.  Kondrashov,
R. F. Suleymanov, O. I. Ilinskaya

Mathematical model of electromagnetic fields near defects registered by magneto-optical defectoscopy methods
D. M. Filippov, N. V. Lugovskoy, A. A. Shuyskyy, V. N. Berzhansky

Impedance-matched ceramic materials based on ferrospinels
S. V. Serebryannikov, A. V. Dolgov, S. S. Serebryannikov, V. G. Kovalchuk,
A. M. Belevtsev, I. K. Epaneshnikova, V. L. Kryuchkov

Method of simultaneous generation of local electrtic and magnetic fields with independently controlled amplitude and frequency
Kh. R. Rostami

Relative orientations of the Poynting and group velocity vectors for electromagnetic waves propagating in an arbitrary direction in an unbounded bi-gyrotropic medium
E. H. Lock, S. V. Gerus

Thematic issue “Fundamental problems and applications of physics of atomic nucleus

Possible study of two-particle transverse momentum correlations in proton-proton and deuteron-deuteron interactions at NICA energies
A. Galoyan, A. Ribon, V. Uzhinsky

Simulation and analysis of preliminary data of the experiment to study proton-proton correlations in the d + 1H → p + p + n reaction
A. A. Kasparov, M. V. Mordovskoy, V. V. Mitsuk, V. M. Lebedev, A. V. Spassky

Experimental setup based on pixel detectors for precision determination of high energy proton beams characteristics
V. V. Petrov, V. I. Zherebchevsky, N. A. Maltsev, S. Yu. Torilov, N. А. Prokofev, E. O. Zemlin, D. A. Komarova

Effects of local parity nonconservation in strong interactions in Pb-Pb collisions at LHC energy
V. N. Kovalenko

Assessment of moments of inertia of fragments of binary fission
D. A. Rumyantseva, V. G. Zinoviev, I. A. Mitropolsky

A multiparametric system to determine the composition of spent fuel by analyzing its radiation
K. V. Ershov, N. E. Mishina, D. V. Timonin

Transmutation of Am-241 at the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute synchrotron
I. E. Alekseev, K. V. Ershov

Estimates of the energies of 21+, 41+, 61+ states in the lanthanide group nuclei
A. D. Efimov, I. V. Koval, I. N. Izosimov

Optical model analysis of deuteron elastic scattering on 16O nuclei regarding resonance contribution
L. N. Generalov, V. A. Zherebtsov, A. V. Morozova, S. M. Selyankina, S. M. Taova

Thematic issue “Physics of Magnetism”

Hall effect in amorphous and crystalline ferromagnetic alloys Fe60Co20Si8B12 and Fe58Co20Si12B10
O. Kuvandikov, I. Subkhankulov, R. M. Rajabov, Sh. A. Khomitov

Investigation of the viscosity of magnetic-liquid systems using the developed capillary viscometer
A. A. Churaev, E. V. Shel’deshova, E. V. Bondar, P. A. Ryapolov

Analysis of the change in the composition of the CdTe surface upon implantation of O2+ ions and subsequent annealing
A. A. Abduvaitov, Kh. Kh. Boltaev, B. E. Umirzakov, D. A. Tashmukhamedova, G. Abdurakhmanov

The peculiarities of magneto-optical spectra of NiFe-Ta bilayers
M. M. Yashin, A. N. Yurasov, M. A. Simdyanova, I. V. Gladyshev, T. N. Bakhvalova

Volume 88, Issue 12, 2024

Accepted for publication on August 30, 2024

Thematic issue “Nano-optics, Photonics, and Coherent Spectroscopy

Capabilities of optothermal traps for space ordering of microscopic objects
А. М. Mayorova, S. P. Kotova, N. N. Losevsky, D. V. Prokopova, S. A. Samagin

Diffraction optical elements for the implementation of three-dimensional nanoscopy using rotating light fields
D. V. Prokopova, I. Y. Eremchev, N. N. Losevsky, D. A. Belousov, S. K. Golubtsov, S. P. Kotova, A. V. Naumov

Nonlinear effects in an ensemble of anharmonic oscillators
A. M. Basharov

Algorithm for calculating the transmission coefficient through periodic one-dimensional and two-dimensional nanostructures
N. R. Sadykov, S. N. Skryabin

Influence of group velocity detuning of optical harmonics on reflection and transmission of radiation in an active periodic medium
A. A. Kalinovich, I. G. Zakharova, T. M. Lysak

Few-cycle light bullets with detuning of phase and group velocities
A. A. Kalinovich, K. V. Koshkin, M. V. Komissarova

Influence of an external magnetic field on the current density in a photon crystal from impurity carbon nanotubes under the action of a laser pulse
Yu. V. Dvuzhilova, I. S. Dvuzhilov, Yu.  V. Kistenev

Scattering of 3D extremely short pulses on a metallic inhomogeneity in an array of carbon nanotubes
S. V. Belibikhin, N. N. Konobeeva

Analysis of local mobility of polyvinylpyrrolidone macromolecule
D. I. Kamalova, O. A. Kochurova

Electron paramagnetic resonance of exchange-coupled [Fe+-Fe2+] pairs in BaF2:Fe crystal

R. B. Zaripov, V. А. Ulanov, R. R. Zainullin, R. I. Kalimullin

Structure and magnetic properties of impurity complexes [NiF4F4Fint]6-(C4v) in the BaF2 crystal: EPR study data
V. А. Ulanov, I. V. Yatsyk, R. B. Zaripov, R. R. Zainullin, V. A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov

Electronic paramagnetic resonance of Gd3+ ions in a Pb1-x-yGdxCuyS narrow-gap semiconductor: effects of resonance transitions on conductivity
V. A. Ulanov, R. R. Zainullin, I. V. Yatsyk, А. V. Shestakov, A. M. Sinitsyn

Changes in Raman spectra from the surface of titanium foils under their fluorination 
P. B. Sergeev, N. N. Melnik

Single molecules detection according to plasmon-enhanced photoluminescence in CeYTbF3 colloidal nanoparticles
E. A. Izbasarova, A. R. Gazizov

Hydrodynamic finite-difference time-domain simulation of spatial dispersion and surface modes of thin metal films
A. R. Gazizov, E. A. Izbasarova

Analysis of Schmidt modes of ultra-broadband biphotons generated in a photonic crystal fiber
M. A. Smirnov, A. M. Smirnova, A. F. Khairullin, O. A. Ermishev, S. A. Moiseev

Analysis of the possibility of increasing the degree of randomness of noise using a continuous wavelet transform on the example of a sequence of numbers generated by an optical random noise generator
M. E. Sibgatullin, D. A. Mavkov, L. R. Gilyazov, N. M. Arslanov

An imprinting of upconversion nanoparticles by using scanning probe microscopy methods
A. P. Chuklanov, A. S. Morozova, E. O. Mityushkin, L. A. Nurtdinova, A. V. Leontyev, V. G. Nikiforov, N. I. Nurgagizov

The precision selection from an ensemble, movement on nanometer scale and angular orientation of nanoparticles based on NaYF4 and YVO4 doped with Yb and Er, showing upconversion luminescent properties. The scanning probe microscopy approach
A. P. Chuklanov, A. S. Morozova, E. O. Mityushkin, V. G. Nikiforov, N. I. Nurgagizov

Nonreciprocity in the behavior of photon echo in constant and pulsed magnetic fields in YLiF4:Er3+ and LuLiF4:Er3+ crystals
A. M. Shegeda, S. L. Korableva, O. A. Morozov

Structural features and the effect of temperature memory in a vitrified film of an europium(III) beta-diketonate complex
D. V. Lapaev, V. G. Nikiforov, D. K. Zharkov, A. A. Knyazev, Yu. G. Galyametdinov

Multimodal luminescent upconversive temperature sensors NaYF4:Yb,Er,Tm for biological applications
E. O. Mityushkin, A. G. Shmelev, A. V. Leontyev, L. A. Nurtdinova, D. K. Zharkov, V. G. Nikiforov

Orientational relaxation of ferromagnetic anisotropic colloidal particles in a magnetic fluid
Yu. A. Filippova, O. A. Yakusheva, A. V. Papugaeva

Complex remote diagnostics of defects in the insulation of high-voltage equipment
V. A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, A. V. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, A. V. Semennikov, R. I. Kalimullin, D. A. Ivanov

3D microstructures for introducing radiation into photonic integrated circuits
D. A. Kolymagin, A. I. Prokhodtsov, D. A. Chubich, R. M. Pattia, A. V. Kazantseva, D. P. Emelyanov, V. V. Kovalyuk, A. G. Vitukhnovsky, G. N. Goltsman

Synthesis of allotropic forms of carbon in a laser experiment: 1D-3D topological configurations with carbon nanotubes and diamond-like systems
K. S. Khorkov, D. N. Bukharov, Ya. V. Podoprigora, I. V. Burakova, A. E. Burakov, A. O. Kucherik, A. G. Tkachev, S. M. Arakelyan

Optical spectroscopy of oxygen vacancies in rutile (TiO2) irradiated with argon ions
E. M. Begishev, A. G. Shmelev, D. K. Zharkov, V. V. Bazarov, N. M. Lyadov, V. F. Valeev, V. I. Nuzhdin, R. I. Khaibullin

Thematic issue “Physics of Magnetism”

Magnetism of InMnSb films
A. I. Dmitriev, L. S. Parshina, M. S. Dmitrieva, O. D. Khramova, O. A. Novodvorsky

Effect of vacuum heat treatment on magnetic ordering in substituted orthoferrite La1‑xSrxFeO3-δ
M. S. Dmitrieva, A. I. Dmitriev, V. D. Sedykh

Magnetooptic Faraday effect of magnetic fluids based on particles MFe2O4 (M= Fe, Ni, Co)
O. K. Kuvandikov, S. E. Kirgizov

Thermal properties of amorphous Fe-Ni-Si-C alloys
O. Kuvandikov, N. S. Hamraev, R. M. Razhabov, I. Subkhankulov, Sh. A. Khomitov, D. H. Imamnazarov

Volume 88, Supplement issue 1, 2024

Accepted for publication on October 14, 2024

Thematic issue “Magnetism and Magnetic Materials”

Phase transitions in the weakly diluted 4-state Potts model on a triangular lattice
A. B. Babaev, A. K. Murtazaev

Magnetization processes in non-single domain magnetite particles
N. A. Usov, O. N. Serebryakova

Frequency-dependent temperature activation of conductivity and dielectric constant of magnetoelectric BiFeO3
D. V. Kuzenko

Natural ferromagnetic resonance in cobalt ferrite powders
S. V. Stolyar, O. A. Li, E. D. Nikolaeva, A. M. Vorotynov,
D. A. Velikanov, I. G. Vazhenina, O. A. Bayukov, R. S. Iskhakov, N. M. Boev, A. O. Shokhrina, M. N. Volochaev, A. L. Sukhachev

Influence of ferromagnetic film thickness on acoustically driven spin wave resonances
N. I. Polzikova, S. G. Alekseev, A. O. Raevskiy, S. A. Nikitov

Chains of spiral domains in thin magnetic films in spatially inhomogeneous magnetic field
D. S. Mekhonoshin, L. A. Pamyatnykh

Magnetoelectric effects in synthetic multiferroic structures for spintronic applications
Z. V. Gareeva, A. M. Trochina, T. Gareev, A. K. Zvezdin

Magnetoresistive effect in vertical Fe3Si/Ge/Mn5Ge3/Si(111) hybrid structures
A. V. Lukyanenko, L. V. Shanidze, M. V. Rautskii, I. A. Yakovlev,
A. L. Sukhachev, K. Yu. Maksimova, A. Yu. Goikhman, N. V. Volkov, A. V. Tarasov

Magnetization of solid solutions of antiferromagnets Ni3-xCoxB2O6 with the competing orientation of anisotropy axes
S. N. Sofronova, D. A. Velikanov, E. M. Moshkina, A. V. Chernyshev

Simulation of phase shift of spin waves passing through an electrically controlled domain wall
N. V. Myasnikov, A. P. Pyatakov

Magnetoelastic dynamics of a plate under a two-frequency excitation by a magnetic field
D. A. Pleshev, F. F. Asadullin, V. S. Vlasov, V. I. Shcheglov

Magnetic properties of Co73Fe4Si12B11 ferromagnetic microwires in amorphous and crystalline state
A. E. Sarakueva, G. E. Danilov, Yu. B. Grebenshchikov,
V. I. Odintsov, S. A. Gudoshnikov

Two L1.0 phases formation in Mn-Al-Ga alloy with different Ga content
M. V. Gorshenkov, N. M. Vazhinskii, K. S. Nechaev, T. A. Morozova

Optical and magneto-optical properties of multilayer magnetic structures based on permalloy
I. V. Gladyshev, E. A. Ganshina, M. A. Simdyanova, A. N. Yurasov,
М. М. Yashin, A. B. Granovsky, I. М. Pripechenkov

Concentration and angular dependences of ferromagnetic resonance parameters and magnetic structure of CoTaNb/MgO composite films
L. N. Kotov, Z. N. Blinov, P. D. Kovalev, D. V. Zavarin,
Yu. E. Kalinin, A. V. Sitnikov

Thematic issue “Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Radiation: Generation and Applications”

(Online First article) Elemental composition of tephra in Lake Chasha bottom sediments (South Kamchatka) according to scanning X-ray fluorescence microanalysis with
A. V. Darin, V. S. Novikov, V. V. Babich, T. I. Markovich, F. A. Darin,
Ya. V. Rakshun, D. S. Sorokoletov, Jing Wu, Zeyang Zhu, Qi Li, Qing Sun, Guoqiang Chu, D. A. Lipovyi, E. V. Starostina

Study of the evolution of the phase composition of laser welded joints of third-generation Al-Li alloys with the use of synchrotron radiation
A. G. Malikov, I. E. Vitoshkin, M. I. Mironova, A. P. Zavjalov, K. E. Kuper

Hard X-ray diffraction phase analysis of kidney stones inside phantom objects
A. I. Nizovskii, A. N. Shmakov, A. A. Legkodymov,
D. V. Dorokhova, V. I. Bukhtiyarov

Development of detectors for station 1-3 “Fast processes” of the SKIF Center for Collective Use
L. I. Shekhtman, V. M. Aulchenko, V. E. Burdin, A. A. Glushak,
M. A. Kornievsky, V. N. Kudryavtsev, V. M. Titov, O. P. Tolbanov, A. V. Tyazhev, A. N. Zarubin, V. V. Zhulanov

Fast synchrotron radiation beam position and intensity monitor for the experiments to study fast-flowing processes
V. M. Aulchenko, A. A. Glushak, M. A. Kornievsky, L. I. Shekhtman,
O. P. Tolbanov, A. V. Tyazhev, A. N. Zarubin

[Ru(dipy)3]2+@SiO2 nanophosphor as temperature sensor: photobleaching cheating
A. G. Shmelev, A. V. Leontyev, D. N. Petrov, L. A. Nurtdinova, E. O. Mityushkin, D. K. Zharkov, R. R. Zairov, A. R. Mustafina, O. Kh. Khasanov, V. G. Nikiforov

Mechanism of silanization and its influence on temperature sensitivity of up-conversion luminescence of NaYF4:Yb/Ho nanoparticles
R. M. Gataullina, A. V. Leontyev, L. A. Nurtdinova, A. G. Shmelev, D. K. Zharkov,
A. N. Solodov, A. T. Gubaidullin, A. F. Safina, А. А. Khannanov, V. G. Nikiforov

Setup for the study of the properties of highly excited states of light nuclei
M. V. Mordovskoy, A. A. Kasparov, A. A. Afonin, Yu. M. Burmistrov,
V. P. Zavarzina, V. V. Mitsuk, S. I. Potashev, I. V. Surkova